Information on the Situation in Elbasan

Since last evening, rainfall and snowfall have ceased in Elbasan County. Based on updates from local municipalities:

  • National Roads: All major roadways are open to traffic. Contractors have been working since early morning, ensuring vehicles can travel without chains. However, icy patches may still be present in some areas. Winter tires are strongly recommended.
    Link: Read More News
  • Rural Roads: In the municipality of Elbasan, challenges persist in Labinot Mal, Gracen, and Funare. Snow thickness varies from 10–20 cm, reaching up to 1 m in Labinot Mal due to wind. Some roads in these areas also have ice.
  • Gramsh Municipality: Roads connecting Lenie, Kukur, and Porocan to villages are blocked by snow and ice.
    Link: Librazhdi News
  • Librazhd Municipality: Traffic is obstructed on roads connecting administrative units to villages.
  • Prrenjas Municipality: Similar conditions persist here as in Librazhd.

School Closures:
Education has been interrupted in the Rrajce Skenderbe and Bardhaj schools in Prrenjas Municipality, as well as two schools in Orenje, Librazhd Municipality.

Electricity Supply:

  • Librazhd: Power outages in Stebleve, Polis, and Lunik.
  • Gramsh: Outages in parts of the municipality, including Tunje, Kushove, and Lenie.
  • Cerrik: Outages in Mollas.
  • Elbasan: Outages in Gracen, Funare, and Tregan villages.
  • Peqin: Outages in Perparim.